This project started off as just a silly sketch that I did while playing a drawing game with some other artists. The drawing topic that was chosen was "Radioactive Women" from that we each proceeded to come up with a bunch of quick sketches to then compare once our time was up. So a few years later I came back to this little sketch and decided to use it as the basis for a digital painting. I guess I liked that it was kind of goofy and surreal, but also some what perverse. Part 1 The first image is the original sketch. The second is a small sculpture I made with Sculpey. This wasn't supposed to be pretty, just a simple way to be able to get some reference for shadows and highlights. From this I started putting down some color, adding in the main shapes and shadows, starting to define the facial features and nipple placement. My color palette throughout most of the painting was pretty monochromatic I liked the soft hazy look I was getting from the low contrast pink, but end changing this towards the end. I didn't really have a finished final drawing when starting the painting which in hindsight would have probably helped me out and saved me sometime. So instead of having everything figured out I was left still adding bits and editing parts out while i was painting, and eventually came to completely changing the entire composition. Part 2 At some point I decide that I no longer liked the composition, the surreal boob blob lady in an empty landscape seemed a bit lacking. So I made a few copies of her and flipped them around and pushed them back and forth until I got this rolling hillside of boobies. From here I picked up where I left off rendering nipples and trying to make this thing look like a convincing pile of tits. Having over 80 nips to paint, quit a few of them were made with copy and paste. I then manipulated their shape and size so they were not direct copies. I could then paint over these and make them more unique and able to fit convincingly onto the boob. At some point near the end I decided to play around with some some different color variations using adjustment layers and ended up with the last image in this set, which pretty close to how the final piece would end up looking after some final adjustments. FinalizingAt this stage all of the major rendering has been finished and from here I mainly worked on refining details, adding some texture, and putting in some faint veins. I also added a slight vignette, blurred the background mounds to help push them further back and broke up the silhouette. Finally I added a few more slight color adjustments to the entire piece just to have a bit of color variation throughout the pink and decided it was done. This painting was a collage of ideas. It first began with the head, the main shape being derived from a swatch of paint that I had photographed on my palette. Having found this interesting shape for a head I decided to use another found shape for the torso, which happened to be a crumpled sheet of paper. The rest of the figure was sketched in to fit with the shapes that I had already drawn. From the completed small sketch a more detailed finished drawing was done and transferred to my painting surface. A under painting with burnt sienna was done on top of the transferred drawing and then finally the color was added. Most of the painting was done in a rather graphic style using mainly lines of color that wrap in and out of each to create the form. These three paintings were each derived from shapes and faces found in abstract swatches of paint. From these abstractions drawings were made and refined and then painted. Below I've included a visual progression of the process for each painting starting with the inspiration and going threw the rough drafts to the final paintings. Faces 1 of 3 Faces 2 of 3 Faces 3 of 3 |